Hey all. I have Covid and can barely focus on anything, so I’m taking this opportunity to gather questions from you. I’d like to do this a couple of times a year, considering I’ve been getting more direct questions from readers lately on Notes and in other posts’ comments, which I love. Here’s the deal:
Ask me anything about the topics I cover in Body Type:
Embodiment/body image
Body culture
Celebrity/influencer culture re: bodies
Aging and appearance
Habit change
Body composition/body or weight change/fat loss
Binge eating disorder/recovery
Etc. You can look through my archive to get a sense of what I tend to write about/have knowledge of.
Note: I’m already going to do a protein post soon, so maybe ask about something other than protein!
I will answer (in a later post or posts, depending on how many questions I get) to the best of my ability in my capacity as someone with a degree of personal or professional expertise in/familiarity with these topics, but if I don’t know the answer I will find or direct you to someone who does. I’ll be sure to provide you with as much no-bullshit evidence/further reading as I can.
Leave your question in a comment below, or email me in response to this post if you’d prefer it not be public.
Thank you, xo
Genuinely, how can i get comfortable with my body being a bigger size since i started lifting a year and a half ago? i feel so much stronger and healthier and have a regular exercise habit now, which is great!! but!! i keep getting the urge to switch to only cardio and yoga to get small again. like my pants and shirts being tighter now makes me so uncomfortable (i feel like a bad feminist for admitting this)
Would love to hear your thoughts on self-discipline versus motivation. I grew up playing highly competitive soccer and now as an adult it feels like I can’t hold any structure for myself in my workouts. It’s like I’m burnt out for good and am a little scarred from it all despite wanting to maintain my fitness.