Feb 21·edited Feb 21Liked by Mikala Jamison

Great newsletter. Being a guy, I probably don't have a lot of valid things to say.

WRT exercise and diet, the reasons for them are not to please other people. It is to make your body more functional and to help it live longer and healthier.. If you love your body, treat it like your child. Sometimes we have our child do things they don't enjoy right now because it will make their life better in the long run. This is balanced with playtime and fun, acceptance and forgiveness..

It isn't for other's to judge. There are natural consequences to smoking, excessive drinking, eating too much junk food, being seriously over/under weight, and failure to exercise. Even if everyone loves and accepts you exactly as you are, those habits will extract a price.

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Hey, I read some about you. I too have lost weight. I have had radical weight differences and now understand why someone would mutilate their body further to remove massive amounts of hanging skin...it feels like your on a ship, sea legs. Makes me physically ill. I'm also a recovery addict. Plz feel free, should any of my knowing would help your body issues publications. TY 🙂

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