How we doing, friends? As per usual in a society that’s conditioned me to second-guess every food choice, perform public penance for eating, and qualify everything I put into my mouth as “good” or “bad,” now’s the time of year when eating-related issues can rear their ugly heads with great force!
I’ve found more peace over the years with this. I don’t say negative things about my own eating (“Oh, I shouldn’t be eating this!”), I ignore it or try to be positive if others do (“Hey, just eat whatever you like and enjoy yourself”), and commit to enjoying what I want to eat and really savoring it with no judgements so I’m not tempted into bingeing.
I wish we didn’t need the content and advice that helps many of us cope with these difficulties this time of year, but tell me: Is there any school of thought, piece of media, or personal reminder that’s helping you with eating issues at the holidays? Please share! I believe we can cultivate a great community of support here.
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I am always looking for ways to shut this kind of talk down when my family does it. Like "well, the diet starts on Monday!" or "I'm being bad today" or something -- besides just rolling my eyes and moving on, I would like to find some language to get them to ... not say shit like that around me.
I know, it's really hard, because I don't want to come off preachy (doesn't work, people get defensive) or assume I can or should teach them a whole eating philosophy in one night. I truly don't know if this is the best way forward, but I feel like ignoring it at least doesn't fuel the fire. Besides that, maybe some kind of playful "Hey how about no 'I'm being bad' talk this year?" to the room in general, rather than calling out one person in particular?
I am always looking for ways to shut this kind of talk down when my family does it. Like "well, the diet starts on Monday!" or "I'm being bad today" or something -- besides just rolling my eyes and moving on, I would like to find some language to get them to ... not say shit like that around me.
I know, it's really hard, because I don't want to come off preachy (doesn't work, people get defensive) or assume I can or should teach them a whole eating philosophy in one night. I truly don't know if this is the best way forward, but I feel like ignoring it at least doesn't fuel the fire. Besides that, maybe some kind of playful "Hey how about no 'I'm being bad' talk this year?" to the room in general, rather than calling out one person in particular?